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Meeting Synderen in a pub as Darkseer
"End before he Throws" - Ceb knows Topson's thowing tendencies 🤣🤣
The Secret to Surviving Pubs
How2Dota2: Creep Blocking
Topson vs Karl: STAND-OFF at the Rune!
Gorgc "Valve get me out of rank 1k games"
Boxi, are Team Liquid old? 👴
DOTA 2 - Initiators - EP14
HIGH MMR NA pubs! EG.ARTEEZY Morphling and Synderen WR
midnight dota with Fear
DOTA 2 "Voice of Hero" _ You Are Too Close to the Secrets _ Templar Assassin (Chinese) Version)
This will happen if you meet Ana SB in Pub Game Dota 2 Pro Highlights